The Secret to a Winning Strategic Board Agenda

A well-planned agenda for your strategic board meetings sets the tone. It ensures that your members are involved in productive discussions and taking decisions. It also allows for the sharing of fresh insights and perspectives. The secret to a successful board agenda is more than simply creating an agenda of the topics you want to discuss for your meeting. It requires art, skill, discipline.

When creating your strategic agenda for the board be sure to set time limits for each item. This will prevent meetings from going over time and help ensure that critical issues get proper attention. It is also crucial to prioritize and balance the amount of strategic issues that are long-term in nature with reports and other business items. It’s usually recommended to keep the strategic discussion at the top of the agenda, leaving reports for the end so that your board can focus on what matters most to the business.

Consider inviting an impartial facilitator or board member to help in the process of strategic planning. The person you choose to involve can offer a fresh perspective to the discussion and assist your board take a more strategic approach to decision-making.

Distribute the agenda, as well as any other relevant documents, to your board members in advance. This gives them time to review materials ahead of time and come prepared with ideas for the meeting.